Frequently Asked Migration Questions
Here you will find answers to migration-related questions as well as some solutions to common issues. If you can not find your answer, please reach out to us at!
Below you will find a table of contents; if you click on any of the questions, you will be taken to the corresponding FAQ. Once there, click on the drop-down, and the answer to the questions is revealed.
General FAQ
What will migrate to my new account?
Go Here for a technically detailed explanation of what will and will not migrate:
What will migrate? Google Workspace to Google Workspace Migration
Will I have the same password for my new account as I did for my old account?
No, your password will be set to a temporary password, and the first time you log in to your account account, you will need to set a password for that account. That being said, you are welcome to set the account password to the same password you used for your previous email account.
Will Single-Sign-On Migrate?
Yes, it will.
What will happen to my notes in Google Keep?****
All your notes in Google Keep will not migrate automatically. If you have notes you want to bring over to your new account, please follow the steps outlined in the โGoogle Keep Manual Migration Guide.โ
Will I lose access to my old Google account?
For the foreseeable future, we plan to keep all old domains and Google accounts active.
Can I just keep using my old email?
No, everyone in the Windham Central Supervisory Union is required to use their new account going forward. Our goal is to get everyone consolidated into one system to support you and the systems you use more effectively. Thank you so much from all of us in the IT department for supporting us to help you all more efficiently?
What do I have to do after migration?***
For detailed instructions on exactly what you are responsible for completing post-migration, please go to the Post Migration Success Guide.
Why does โSign-In with googleโ not work on my new account but still works on my old account?
Sites and applications to which youโve granted permission to access your original Google Account will need to be re-authenticated with your new Google account.
So, for example, if I have a SketchUp account and when I signed up, I clicked โSign-In With Google,โ then I will have to go to contact the company, in this case, SketchUp, and find out how you would change your email when you have โSigned-In With Google.โ
In our example, SketchUp explains the following for changing your email:
"The only way to change the email address is to fill out a contact form and make a request to Change User Info. It's best to reach out to us through the former email address or one with the same email domain, but if that isn't possible, you'll need to provide proof of ownership of SketchUp. We'll email you back with details for what we need and for confirmation of the request. " - SketchUp Support
Please reach out to if you need help with this process.
Where are all the apps and extensions?
If you have purchased third-party applications tied to your original Google account, they will not be available to your new Google account. Normally, these are going to be things that have been installed/purchased from either the Chrome Web Store, Google Apps Marketplace, or the Google Play Store (Android). Examples of these could include, but are not limited to Boomerang, Groove, Google Play Movies & Music, Games, Yet Another Mail Merge, etc. Note: In some cases, you might be able to file a support ticket with the vendor your application was purchased from to have the license transferred.
Where are all my Browser Shortcuts? ***
Browser shortcuts will not transfer. You will simply have to go to the Browser Shortcut creation guide and follow the steps to recreate your browser shortcuts.
Why are none of my passwords in my new @windhamcentral account?***
Saved passwords are not automatically transferred to your new @windhamcentral account. You will have to follow the Transferring Saved Passwords migration guide in the Migration center to move all of your saved passwords to your new account.
Where are all my Google Play apps and content?
All google play content will not transfer to your new account. Officially Google doesnโt support a way to transfer your apps. As a general rule once you purchase content on one account it is non-transferable.
A workaround you can currently use is logging into the device the app is on with both accounts to be able to retain access to the app while using your new account. This will work for the present as we are keeping all the old emails active for the foreseeable future.
What if I use Google Cloud Platform, will it migrate?
Google Cloud Platform will not automatically migrate. If you are using Google Cloud Platform please contact for assistance with questions surrounding GCP.
Google Drive FAQ
What will happen to my Drive files? ****
All supported files will be migrated from your old Google Drive to your new Google Drive. Refer to File Types That Will Migrate for a list of supported file types. For details on where you will find your files, go to our migration support section! (migration support page link)
What will happen to my Shortcuts to other drives and files?
Due to Google limitations shortcuts to folders and files will not migrate along with all of your folders and files. When you login to your @windhamcentral account you will not find any shortcuts that existed in your old account. You will have to manually recreate the shortcuts before you are able to use them again.
Why do all my migrated files have the same โCreated Dateโ now in Google Drive?
When your files are migrated, the original โCreated Dateโ is not retained. Instead, Google considers the date your files were migrated as their โCreated Dateโ in your new account. So you will no longer be able to tell when a migrated file was initially created in your new google drive account.
Why do all my migrated files have the same โShared withโ date now in Google Drive?
When your files are migrated, the original โShared withโ date is not retained. Instead, Google considers the date your files were migrated as their โShared withโ date in your new account. So you will no longer be able to tell when a migrated file was originally โShared withโ you in your new google drive account.
Why is the โRecentโ section in a different order in my new drive?
You might notice changes in the Recent section of your MyDrive - the files might not be in the correct order anymore: This is expected behavior as the tool used for the migration has to access the documents in this section.
What happens to my files within the โShared with Meโ folder?
The files within the โShared with Meโ section will look different and be populated with every migrated file post-migration if you keep working and editing files within โShared with Meโ rather than My Drive.
You might also notice in the post-migration that documents are not within folders; this is known as โOrphaned Files.โ
Google's recommendation is to work out of My Drive and not Shared With Me. Any files/folders shared with your account should be added to your My Drive before creating folders/files within the shared folder; this will mean that the folder structure is maintained post-migration and the files within donโt become orphaned.
What happened to my Personal Workspace?
Your personal workspace will need to be manually recreated. As your preferences for what files are added to your personal workspace are not migrated.
Do the files I have put in the trash migrate to my new accounts trash folder?
Drive items in โTrashโ or โDeleted itemsโ will not be migrated. However, if a file that has been shared is deleted, making the file invisible in the userโs account (but not actually deleting the source file or the sharing rights), then these files will be visible again in the โShared with meโ folder after the migration is complete.
What will happen to all my file links, shared files, etc., once they are migrated?
"Hyperlinks to other Google files will be out of date; this is because when migrating your files, they are given a new URL. Please be aware of the impacts:
Embedded links, files, charts, etc., will no longer be linked. However, they will still link back to the file on the source domain. You will have to update the links to the new migrated file on the destination domain.
Google Forms will no longer be linked to response sheets.
After migration, you will have to update these links within the documents on your new accounts.
What happened to my โVersion Historyโ in all my Google Docs, Slides, sheets, etc.?
The revision history of a file will not be migrated.
Post-migration, you will not be able to revert any changes made before migration to your new account.
What do I do if I need an older version of a file, as โVersion Historyโ does not migrate?***
You can still view all your version history in your old account, and create copies of older versions in your old account to share with your new account as a workaround if you need a pre-migration version of a file. Follow this โPost-Migration Guide to Recovering Previous Versions of a file.โ
How does migration affect Drive sync?
All users currently using Drive Sync will have to disconnect and reconnect to their new account, creating a new folder to sync to, and then delete the old account folder one.
*Please be aware NOT to merge the data.
How is Other Item Meta Data affected by Migration?
Not all item metadata will migrate
What happened to all the documents shared with me from an external source (outside my domain)?
It's impossible to migrate any document owned externally as there is no way to access external G Suite instances. Therefore, any documents owned by external users to the G Suite instance (your current domain, aka whatever was after the @ in your old email account) will need to be re-shared with you by the owner of the file.
What happened to all the Folders shared with me from an external source (outside my domain)?
The ownership of externally owned folders will change to the first (in-domain) user migrated with that folder.
For example, if a co-worker and I had a folder shared with us from a local non for profit organization. If I were the first to be migrated, I would become the owner of the folder shared with my coworker and me from the external organization, as I was the first in our organization to be migrated who had the file shared with them.
Google Gmail FAQ
What will happen to emails from my old account? ***
All of the emails from your old account will be migrated to their respective folders (Inbox, Sent, Draft, Trash) in your new email account. If an email is not found in one of those four folders (Inbox, Sent, Draft, Trash), a "Migrated all Mail" label will be applied to those emails. For more detailed information on exactly where to find your old emails in your new account, go to (migration support page link).
Can I reply to migrated emails?
Yes. Unlike other migration solutions that simply migrate emails in their original format, the CloudM Migrate automatically converts email addresses to ensure all migrated emails can be replied to.
What happened to the emails I had marked, snoozed, muted, or Important?
Emails you have marked snoozed, muted, or Important will no longer have those settings applied to them.
What will happen to emails sent to my old address? ***
You will need to go to the โAdding and Alias Migration Guideโ in the Migration Center. Follow the instruction to add your old email as an alias to make sure you get any emails sent to your old email.
What do I do about migrating all of my Filters?***
Any existing email filters can be exported from your original email account) and re-imported into your new destination account under the โFilters and Blocked Addressesโ tab under โSettings.โ Go to the Gmail Filters Migration Guide and follow the steps outlined there to migrate your email Filters. Here is a tutorial to do just that;
What happened to my Canned Responses?
Unfortunately, Canned Responses cannot be automatically migrated. Instead, you will have to manually copy and paste your Canned Responses into a new Canned Response in your new @windhamcentral email.
What happened to my Forwarding Rules?
Unfortunately, Forwarding Rules cannot be automatically migrated. You will have to manually copy and paste your Forwarding Rules into your new @windhamcentral email.
What happened to my Vacation Response?
Unfortunately, Vacation Response cannot be automatically migrated. You will have to recreate your Vacation Response manually.
Google Contact FAQ
What will happen with my contacts?
Your contacts will be migrated into the contacts section of your new account.
What will migrate exactly?
Contacts, Labels, and all fields will migrate to your new account.
What will not Migrate?
Frequently Contacted and Delegates settings will not migrate.
Google Calendar FAQ
What will happen with my Calendar?
The following will migrate, Main Calendar, Sub Calendar, Appointments, Attendees, Date Ranges, Reminders, Appointment and Task Attachments, Shared Calendar Rights, Tasks, Attendees, Event Type not including (Event: Appointment and Event: Reminder),
Why am I not seeing Calendar invites sent to my old email in my new account calendar?
After migration, forwarded calendar invites from the original account to the new account will not be automatically added to your new account calendar.
Again, we recommend asking colleagues in a general message to use the usersโ new email addresses/accounts post-migration.
Why did I not receive the change made to an event someone outside my organization shared with me?
Changes made to incoming (external) events are not reflected on migrated events after the migration. Also, changes made to migrated events are not reflected on original events received by the external users.
Again, we recommend asking colleagues in a general message to use the usersโ new email addresses/accounts post-migration.
Why are my calendar settings different from my old account?
Unfortunately, not all settings are automatically migrated. You will have to recreate any settings that have not been migrated automatically.
Google Classroom FAQ
Will Classroom Migrate?
No, because Google doesn't allow access to the Classroom API, we, unfortunately, cannot migrate Classroom.
Classroom will not migrate; what do I do?***
Go to our migration guide page in the Migration Center, where we have tutorials on how to manually recreate your Classroom and some tips to speed up the process. (Insert Link Classroom.)
What will happen to my Classroom files?
You should find all of the files you had attached to any assignment in Classroom in your google drive with the name of the class in the folder name.
What will happen to the assignment I have in Classroom?
Along with your Classroom, your assignments themselves will not be migrated. You will need to create a new classroom then create new assignments within the new Classroom. You will be able to reattach files to recreated assignments from your drive folder.
Google (New) Sites FAQ
Will Google (New) Sites migrate?
Because of how Google has chosen to structure Google (New) Sites, we are unable to migrate new sites to your new account automatically. Our current solution to this issue is to leave all old domains active so that any Google (New) Sites will remain active and unaffected for the foreseeable future. You can continue to use your old account to update and maintain Google (New) Sites until we can research and implement a more permanent solution.
Google Groups FAQ
Why are my โGoogle Groupsโ settings different?
The following are the only thing that will transfer in Groups: Members (Internal and external), Owner, and Manager roles. All other settings will have to be reconfigured post-migration.
Google Keep (Tasks) FAQ
What Tasks will migrate?
Everything but Completed Tasks will be migrated to your new account.
What Tasks will not migrate?
Tasks that have a linked email will no longer be linked to any email.
Why do I see Emails with a "Migrated all Mail" label in my email?
When migrating between Gmail mailboxes (including Google Vault to Gmail mailboxes), you may see the label 'Migrated all Mail' being added. This label is applied when the source platform is Gmail or Google Vault, and the email is not in any known folder (Inbox, Sent, Draft, Trash), not a chat, and has no other Labels.